Computer drawing in air, showing the earth, with the words Drew's website on top



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These are selected articles I've written for academic and general audiences (scientific papers are linked here and all my academic work is listed in my CV). More of my articles can be found on author pages (also linked below). My favorite pieces are highlighted.

If any of my work is inaccessible to you because of paywalls etc., please email me and I'll get you a copy ASAP.

Selected academic essays

Pendergrass, D. C. (2024). From planetary scenarios to planetary sensing: Models, observations, and political legibility. The Anthropocene Review, 20530196241270716. Link to paper (paywalled).

Public writing

"The Loud Part the IPCC Said Quietly," African Arguments, March 2023.

"Planning An Eco-Socialist Utopia," Noema Magazine, June 2022. Co-written with Troy Vettese.

"A planned economy is the only way to save the planet. Here’s how," Open Democracy, April 2022. Co-written with Troy Vettese.

"Our global fire crisis is the sign of a dying biosphere. But we can take action," The Guardian, December 2020. Co-written with Troy Vettese.

"Ground Control," Harper's Magazine, June 2020.

"The Climate Crisis and COVID-19 Are Inseparable," Jacobin Magazine, May 2020. Co-written with Troy Vettese.

"Working at Beauty," Harvard Magazine, January-February 2020. Winner of the CASE Grand Gold Circle of Excellence Award for column and opinion writing.

"Franzen's Privileged Climate Resignation is Deadly and Useless," Current Affairs, September 2019.

"Harvard's Tai Chi Master," Fifteen Minutes Magazine, February 2018.

"How Insulin Became Unaffordable," Harvard Political Review, January 2018.

"The Alabamafication of America," Harvard Political Review, 2017.

"Why teachers in Huntsville City Schools are leaving," and The Huntsville Times, March 2016. Winner of the 2016 National Courage in Student Journalism award.

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